Friday, October 17, 2008

baywatch is a world away from war.

Hoorah for Holga! I finally got some of my holiday holga snaps processed. Two favourites are the ones above... was such a reality shock when i arrived at Santa Monica beach in California to a memorial dedicated to the men and women of the US military, there mission is to, "To honor the fallen and wounded, To acknowledge the human cost of war, To provide a place to grieve, To encourage dialogue among citizens with varied points of view, To educate the public about the needs of those returning from war." Each cross representing an American soldier killed in Iraq.
Was such a moving experience, with many family and friends of those remembered at the site paying their respects.
I will never forget this.


lily, rosemary and the jack of hearts said...

amazing sander- and nice new banner!

the little look see said...

loving the banner also! and fan tan photos too. you could totally sell em :)